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Jumat, 23 Oktober 2020

CONTOH ESSAY , Joy and Sorrow Online Learning during the Corona Pandemic

 Joy and Sorrow Online Learning during the Corona Pandemic

The Corona pandemic or coronavirus disease 2019 (covid 19) provides many valuable lessons in every aspect of life. Most of the employees carry out work from home (WFH) and students also “move” learning activities at home, online. This is all in line with the government's efforts to reduce the impact of the spread of the coronavirus. And as has been determined, this home learning activity will continue until next year.

The transfer of learning activities from school to home, as an effort to maintain social distancing, inevitably makes parents have a new role, namely as impromptu teachers. That means parents are at the forefront of guiding the learning process until this pandemic ends.

With all the limitations that exist, it is not surprising that parents encounter many obstacles in its implementation. Just look, most of the social media pages upload the joys and sorrows of parents who become impromptu teachers to guide their children to study in their homes.

Not only the heart screams or sorrow felt by parents who become impromptu teachers at home, but not a few also rejoice to be impromptu teachers guiding their children to learn from home. So, do you want to know what are the ups and downs of learning online during the corona pandemic?

Not all parents are ready to become online learning guides for their children. There have been many positive responses, ranging from psychological closeness to children because they directly guide the online learning process; knowing the academic development of children and fostering togetherness and building good communication in the home environment.

For parents who usually budget for catering for children's school supplies, this time they can save budget to be allocated to other needs.

Even so, not a few also experienced several obstacles as long as they became guides in the implementation of online learning at home, starting from external and internal constraints.

External constraints are mostly dominated by the internet network which is not supportive or the condition is slow. Even in some areas, many do not yet have the supporting tools, such as gadgets, so they are forced to rely on internet cafes to carry out online learning. Well, not a few of them ended up playing online games.

There are also many internal obstacles, ranging from parents who admit difficulties because they do not have mastery of school subject matter to less disciplined children, because they think at home means holidays.

Besides, changes in children's moods in online learning are another important thing that needs to be maintained. Because, too many school assignments that cause children's boredom. Meanwhile, learning with this method requires fast catching power.

Besides, in terms of teaching staff, for example, providing online learning material is considered more difficult than face to face in class. Teachers find it difficult to invite students to be active, communicative, even in discussion rooms that are deliberately held.

Well, how about you? What's good, studying at school or studying at home online?

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