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Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2020


Essay : Pengertian, Bagian, Dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Essay : Pengertian, Bagian, Dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Essay : Pengertian, Bagian, Dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Namun ada sebuah wadah penampung pendapat dalam sebuah tulisan yang masih sering dibuata ataupun di cari oleh orang, yaitu essay. Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai Essay, bagaimana penjelasannya mari kita simak bersama.

Essay: Pengertian, Bagian, dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Essay: Pengertian, Bagian, dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  1. Pengertian Essay (esai)

Apa yang dimaksud dengan essay? yang dimaksud dengan Esssay adalah ekspresi dari opini seseorang terhadap sebuah hal. Jadi essay sesungguhnya sangat berbeda dengan artikel ilmiah atau sekadar opini eksposure (laporan faktual). Perpaduan antara fakta dengan imajinasi, antara pengetahuan dengan perasaan membuat essay berbeda dibanding jenis tulisan lainnya.

Sebuah essay selayaknya dapat menghantarkan pembacanya untuk memahami persoalan dengan cara yang tidak njelimet dan (kadang) bernuansa santai, tetapi tetap sarat makna. Secara singkat dapat diartikan sebagai suatu tulisan yang menggambarkan opini penulis tentang subyek tertentu yang coba di nilainya.

2. Bagian-Bagian  Essay

a) Pengantar/Pengenalan (5% dari total essay).

Biasanya 1 – 2 paragraf yang berisikan satu atau lebih hal-hal berikut ini: definisi masalah, pembatasan asumsi, istilah-istilah teknis yang digunakan dan tujuan penulisan, yang bisa menjelaskan secara seksama sebuah dalil yang kita ungkapkan.

b) Pembahasan/Argumentasi (85%-90% dari total esay).

Bagian utama dari sebuah esay yang ditujukan untuk mengungkapkan bukti-bukti dalam bentuk: (a) logika penalaran pribadi, (b) teori-teori yang ada, atau (c) secara empiris melalui penelitian, yang relevan dengan masalah yang kita bahas.

c) Penuntup/Kesimpulan (5%-10% dari total esay).

Panjangnya penutup atau kesimpulan tergantung dari bagaimana kita menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang kita ungkapan dalam bagian definisi masalah pada bagian pembukaan.

3. Contoh Essay dalam bahasa Inggris

High School and College

High school students are usually eager to graduate and continue their study in college. However, most of the time college students dream of being a high school student back again. “If I could just go back to high school again” is a common expression heard especially in the first semesters of college. What makes both high school students and college students think. What are the differences between learning in high school and learning in college? Some of the many aspects of differences in learning in high school and learning in college are: the responsibility, the teachers, and the tests.

The first different aspect in high school and college is the responsibility. In high school, your time is structured by the school. We  just need to proceed from one class to another of hours of learning in classes, and the classes are arranged for you. We will be guided and reminded of our responsibilities in learning – taking the tests, doing homework and tasks, etc. There is not much we need to worry besides getting good scores. Meanwhile, in college, we manage your own time. We often have time between classes; class times vary throughout the day and evening. We arrange your own schedule in consultation with your adviser. We are expected to take responsibility for what we do and don’t do, as well as for the consequences of your decisions. In short words, there is no one taking care of your responsibilities except yourself.

The second different aspect in high school and college is the teachers. Teachers in high school will usually take care of us, remind we of our tasks and homework, provide you with information and learning material, and are often available for conversation before, during, or after the class. Meanwhile, lecturers or professors in college are different. They don’t remind you of our tasks and homework, because it is our responsibility to do so. They will reference the learning material, but it is not their responsibility to provide us with information, instead, we are the one who need to collect information we need. Lecturers in college are usually hardly available for conversations out of class except you make an appointment with them beforehand.

The third different aspect in high school and college is the tests. In high school, tests are frequent and cover small amount of material. Make up tests are available, and if you get low score at a test, we can have a remedial test. Meanwhile in college, tests are infrequent and they cover big amount of material. There will only be two to three tests for one subject in one semester, and our scores matter a lot. There will not be any make up tests unless we need to request one. Furthermore, there will not be a remedial test if we get low score. Instead, you will need to fight for the upcoming test or exam to better the score.

Provided by the differences in learning in high school and learning in college, it can be concluded that learning in college requires more attention and responsibility of the student. Not that learning in high school does not require them, it does, but in a more flexible way. Both high school students and college students need to focus on their study and follow the way of the institution they are in, in order to succeed in their study.

Itulah tadi penjelasan mengenai essay meliputi pengertian, bagian dan contohnya dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga materi tentang essay yang disampaikan pada kesempatan kali ini dapat bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan referensi belajar bahasa Inggris bagi sobat sekalian.

“kegagalan bukanlah ujung dari segalanya, bangkit dan teruslah mencoba”

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2020

CONTOH ESSAY , Joy and Sorrow Online Learning during the Corona Pandemic

 Joy and Sorrow Online Learning during the Corona Pandemic

The Corona pandemic or coronavirus disease 2019 (covid 19) provides many valuable lessons in every aspect of life. Most of the employees carry out work from home (WFH) and students also “move” learning activities at home, online. This is all in line with the government's efforts to reduce the impact of the spread of the coronavirus. And as has been determined, this home learning activity will continue until next year.

The transfer of learning activities from school to home, as an effort to maintain social distancing, inevitably makes parents have a new role, namely as impromptu teachers. That means parents are at the forefront of guiding the learning process until this pandemic ends.

With all the limitations that exist, it is not surprising that parents encounter many obstacles in its implementation. Just look, most of the social media pages upload the joys and sorrows of parents who become impromptu teachers to guide their children to study in their homes.

Not only the heart screams or sorrow felt by parents who become impromptu teachers at home, but not a few also rejoice to be impromptu teachers guiding their children to learn from home. So, do you want to know what are the ups and downs of learning online during the corona pandemic?

Not all parents are ready to become online learning guides for their children. There have been many positive responses, ranging from psychological closeness to children because they directly guide the online learning process; knowing the academic development of children and fostering togetherness and building good communication in the home environment.

For parents who usually budget for catering for children's school supplies, this time they can save budget to be allocated to other needs.

Even so, not a few also experienced several obstacles as long as they became guides in the implementation of online learning at home, starting from external and internal constraints.

External constraints are mostly dominated by the internet network which is not supportive or the condition is slow. Even in some areas, many do not yet have the supporting tools, such as gadgets, so they are forced to rely on internet cafes to carry out online learning. Well, not a few of them ended up playing online games.

There are also many internal obstacles, ranging from parents who admit difficulties because they do not have mastery of school subject matter to less disciplined children, because they think at home means holidays.

Besides, changes in children's moods in online learning are another important thing that needs to be maintained. Because, too many school assignments that cause children's boredom. Meanwhile, learning with this method requires fast catching power.

Besides, in terms of teaching staff, for example, providing online learning material is considered more difficult than face to face in class. Teachers find it difficult to invite students to be active, communicative, even in discussion rooms that are deliberately held.

Well, how about you? What's good, studying at school or studying at home online?

CONTOH ESSAY , The Effectiveness Of Online Learning In Teaching And Learning Activities To Achieve 21st-Century Skill Goals


The Effectiveness Of Online Learning In Teaching And Learning Activities

To Achieve 21st-Century Skill Goals

By: Aris Priyanto, S.T, M.M.

Teacher of Indonesian SILN School in Makkah























The increasing number of positive cases in Indonesia due to COVID-19 has made the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) recommend online learning as an effort to reduce the spread of the virus.

Even though there are several well-known schools and universities in Indonesia that are ready to do so, the presence of COVID-19 shows the unpreparedness of far more educational institutions in Indonesia in implementing an online learning system. For example, the use of online learning technology is still dominated by schools and universities in big cities because of the financial capacity and availability of digital learning systems that are better than small schools and universities in rural areas. 


Problems arise 

            The online learning implementation that has been running for several months has generally run smoothly. However, over time many problems have emerged. Among them are too many teacher assignments to complain about quotas and internet networks.


 "Sir, I am not afraid of the coronavirus, but I am afraid if I have a concussion. Everyday tasks flow like a continuous flash flood. I want to go to school immediately, Teacher," was a chain statement that appeared on social media. It turns out that online learning that has been running, in the realm of praxis, has caused many problems.

Of course, it would be unwise to immediately blame the teachers. In an emergency situation, the teacher at that time had to act quickly so that learning could be effective. Cellphones, which were originally only a medium of communication, now have multiple functions. Included in providing material and assignments a very short duration.

Appreciation deserves to be given to teachers, schools, and students because they can adapt quickly. However, over time all parties need to evaluate online learning so that its goals can be achieved optimally.


Principles of Online Learning 

In terms of the process, actually, this online learning model has been regulated in Permendikbud no. 22 of 2016 concerning Process Standards with the following principles: 

1.      From the students are notified towards the students to find out

2.      From the teacher as the only source of learning to learn based on various learning resources 

3.      From a textual approach to a process as a strengthening of the use of a scientific approach 

4.      From content-based learning to competency-based learning 

5.      From partial learning to integrated learning 

6.      From learning that emphasizes single answers to learning with answers that are multi-dimensional in truth 

7.      From verbalism learning to applicative skills 

8.      Improvement and balance between physical skills (hard skills) and mental skills (soft skills) 

9.      Learning that prioritizes the culture and empowerment of students as lifelong learners 

10.  Learning that applies values ​​by giving an example (ing ngarso sung tulodo), the building will (ing madyo mangun karso), and developing the creativity of students in the learning process (tut wuri handayani) 

11.  Learning that takes place at home in schools and in the community 

12.  Learning that applies the principle that anyone is a teacher, anyone is a student, and anywhere is a class. 

13.  Use of information and communication technology to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of learning 

14.  Recognition of individual differences and cultural backgrounds of students.

If the learning principles above are aligned with the 4 pillars of education compiled by UNESCO, namely Learning to Know (learning to know), Learning to Do (learning to do something), Learning to Be (learning to be something), and Learning to Live Together (learning to live together), now is the most appropriate opportunity to rearrange the direction of our education world which has strayed far from our goals.

The world of education must again teach how to learn (Learning How to Learn), not Learning What to Learn (learning about something). All of this is reflected in the content of this online learning where initially the teachers are still struggling with content or material that is made to inform students rather than leaving them to find out for themselves.

With the internet, students can learn to know, learn to do, learn to be something, and learn to live together with a very different approach in the pre-internet era where teachers were the only source of learning. Educators simply facilitate how students can find out reliable learning sources, not hoaxes, and not just the opinion of someone whose credibility is still in doubt.

If educators and parents understand that these skills are needed to be developed in students in facing the challenges in the 21st century, then the learning model can be directed to lead there. For example, during this period of study at home students can be directed to look for solutions to problems related to Covid-19. The solution can be in terms of health, food, social, economy, and so on.

The solution offered must have a strong theoretical basis and not just a wild idea; this is where the students will learn to find out. These solutions must be worked out in groups even if they do not meet face to face. The solutions offered must be presented in the form of a video and uploaded to social media such as Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin, Line, or others. The rating will be based on the number of views (how many times it has been watched), how many thumbs up (likes), and how many comments/interactions that arise from the upload.

We will all be surprised by the creativity and innovation of the next generation of the nation, which so far has not been given the opportunity because their study time has run out to be told what to study. And, this concept will change the views of parents and educators who have seen only consumption devices, now they will turn into means of production. And this is the real process of developing superior human resources


Measurable Task

A large number of assignments from teachers is often a complaint in online learning. The learning load of students, of course, must be calculated, measured, both materially and in time. Of course, it needs to be remembered that learning in class is not always filled with assignments or doing a large number of questions. The teacher can give the task of observing, experimenting, and analyzing, making it more interesting and challenging.

Although distance learning, greetings, responses, and feedback or appreciation of the work done is something that should not be forgotten. There should be no assumptions, students feel cheated because of the large number of assignments given, but there is no feedback from the teacher, such as work that has been done maximally but the teacher does not correct.

Appreciation for the work of students needs to be given by the teacher so that learning objectives can be achieved. One of the goals of learning including online is the achievement of student competencies known as the 4 Cs, namely Critical thinking which directs students to be able to solve problems (problem-solving).

Creativity thinking (creative thinking) can be interpreted as a teacher can assist students who have high creativity able to think and see a problem from various sides or perspectives.

Collaboration (work together or collaborate). This activity is important to apply in the learning process so that students are able and ready to work together with anyone in their future lives.

Communication can be interpreted as the ability of students to convey their ideas and thoughts quickly, clearly, and effectively (Directorate of PSMK, 2019).

Online learning tasks that are given to students are geared towards these 21st-century skills. Cellphone applications such as WhatsApp are no longer just a means of providing one-way information. But the goal is to build skills in 4C.

The Covid-19 pandemic can be an entry point to change textual learning into contextual. Contextual learning is a learning concept that links subject matter in everyday life. Students are expected to find and develop new knowledge and skills according to the knowledge they have. Thus, they will better understand and better interpret their knowledge.

In mathematics, the ability to graph the development of the Covid-19 pandemic and its predictions can be sharpened. Through cultural arts lessons, you can be trained to analyze the impact of Covid-19 on the development of performing arts and alternative solutions. In Indonesian lessons, they are trained to make proposals to seek aid funds for the response to the Covid-19 pandemic or to make poetry, articles, short stories harmonized with situations that have recently occurred.

Thus, when students have honed their ability to see the real world and neutralize it to the public through the results of their analysis, it has proven the value of strengthening character education, especially the value of integrity as an aspect of the expression of compassion and empathy for others.

I hope online learning does not only produce students like robots who only do exercises with as many tasks as they can without being able to think at a high level. For this reason, the success of online learning requires synergic collaboration between teachers, schools, parents, and students. Schools need to pay attention to parents of students who cannot afford quotas or do not have adequate cellphones by facilitating so that online learning can run optimally.

In addition, the success of online learning during the Covid-19 crisis depends on the discipline of all parties. Therefore, the school here needs to make a scheme by compiling good management in managing the online learning system. This can be done by creating a systematic, structured, and simple schedule to facilitate communication between parents and schools so that their children who are studying at home can be effectively monitored. 



1.   Permendikbud no. 22 of 2016 dated 6 June 2016, Basic and Secondary Education Process Standards. 

2.      Indra Charismiadji, Managing Effective Online Learning, Detik News, April 1, 2020.

MAPEL KIMIA BAB 11 Sistem Koloid

  Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan belajar tentang materi koloid, mulai pengertian, jenis-jenis, cara pembuatan, sampai manfaat koloid dalam...