Enough…Not Enough
Understanding the use of “enough” in various context of expression
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enough means 'as much as necessary'. It can be used with an adjective, an adverb, a verb or a noun. It can also act as a pronoun.
With adjectives and adverbs
enough comes after adjectives and adverbs.
I'm not tall enough to reach the top shelf.
Your marks are good enough to study engineering at university.
I couldn't write quickly enough and I ran out of time.
I've helped at conferences often enough to know what can go wrong.
With verbs
enough comes after verbs.
I make sure I drink enough during the day.
I don't read enough but I'm going to start downloading books to my phone.
With nouns
enough comes before nouns.
There isn't enough bread to make sandwiches.
Have you got enough money?
As a pronoun
enough can also be used without a noun.
I'll get some more chairs. There aren't enough.
A: Do you want more coffee? B: No, I've had enough, thanks.
We know what the noun is because of the context.
With an adjective and a noun
When enough is used with an adjective and a noun, two positions are possible but the meaning changes.
We haven't got big enough envelopes.
We haven't got enough big envelopes.
When enough is after the adjective (big enough envelopes), it describes the adjective – the envelopes are too small. When enough is before the adjective (enough big envelopes), it describes the noun phrase – we have some big envelopes, but we need more.
enough of
We normally only use enough of when it is followed by a determiner or a pronoun (a/an/the, this/that, my/your/his, you/them, etc.).
There isn't enough of that bread to make sandwiches for everyone.
I've seen enough of his work to be able to recommend him.
There's enough of us to make a difference.
Do you understand?

Too and enough adalah dua kata yang seringkali kita temukan dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris. Kedua kata tersebut ternyata memiliki arti dan konteks penggunaan yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh bisa kita cermati pada contoh berikut ini,
- Anna can't buy the Rainbow Troops novel. The novel is too expensive for her. She hasn't got enough money.
- Mr. Ali speaks English too rapidly. I can't understand what he said.
- My mother bought me a skirt. The skirt is too small. I can't wear it.
Untuk mengetahui penerapan kedua kata tersebut dalam kalimat maupun dalam soal, penjelasan berikut ini mungkin berguna,
A. Enough diikuti oleh noun, misalnya saja enough money, enough time, enough people, etc.
Contoh :
- Is there enough sugar in the coffee? (Apakah kopinya sudah cukup gula?)
- I can't go to my grandma's house. I don't have enough time to visit her. ( Saya tidak dapat pergi kerumah nenek. Saya tidak punya cukup waktu untuk mengunjunginya)
Perhatikan juga,
Bahwa penggunaan enough dengan tanpa diikuti noun. Berikut contohnya,
- I've got some money but not enough to buy the latest smartphone model. ( Saya punya uang tetapi masih belum cukup untuk membeli model smartphone terbaru.)
- Would you like some more to eat? 'No, thanks. I've had enough'. (Mau tambah lagi makanannya? Tidak terima kasih. Saya sudah cukup.')
B. Enough mengikuti bentuk adjective (kata sifat), misalnya good enough, warm enough, tall enough, etc
Contoh :
- Hendra can reach the shelf. He is tall enough to take the books on it. (Hendra bisa menjangkau rak tersebut. Dia cukup tinggi untuk mengambil buku di rak tersebut.)
- Dina is 17 years old now. she is old enough to have driver license. (Dina berusia 17 tahun. Dia cukup usianya untuk memiliki surat ijin mengemudi)
- Don't wear that coat. It's not suit on you. It isn't long enough. ( Jangan pakai mantel tersebut. Itu tidak pas untukmu, tidak cukup panjang --- mantelnya terlalu pendek---)
Dalam kalimat, kata "too" diartikan "terlalu". Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut contoh kalimat berdasarkan konteksnya,
- There is too much salt in the soup. (Terlalu banyak garam di dalam sup)
- Adi wears his brother's T-Shirt. It is too big for him.(Adi memakai kaos kakanya. Kaosnya terlalu besar untuknya)
A. Too diikuti oleh adjective / adverb.
Contoh :
- I feel sleepy now. I'm too tired.
- Yes, I think you've worked too hard today.
B. too much dan too many
Contoh :
- Nanda studies too much. She prepares herself for the Math competition next month.
- The main problem in Jakarta is traffic. There are too many cars here.
- I don't like eating in this restaurant. There are too many people here.
Membedakan penggunaan too dan not enoughContoh :
- The T-shirt is too big for me. (kaos ini terlalu besar untukku)
- The skirt is not big enough for me. (Kaos ini tidak cukup besar untukku ---kaos ini terlalu kecil---)
- The coffee is too much sugar. ( Kopi itu terlalu banyak gula -- rasanyya terlalu manis)
- The coffee isn't enough sugar. (Kopi itu tidak cukup gula-- rasanya mungkin hanya pahit)
Note :=====================================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Enough for ( somebody/ something) --- I haven't got enough money for a house.
Enough to ( do something) --- I haven't got enough money to buy a house.
Enough for ( somebody/ something) to (do something) --- There aren't enough chairs for everybody to sit down.
too ... for (somebody/ something) --- That hat is too small for me.
too ... to (do something) --- I'm too tired to finish the project. I need to take a rest.
too ... for (somebody/ something) to (do something) --- Mr. John speaks English too fast for me to understand.
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