Ms Carrol | : | You have to run five kilometres. |
Debbie | : | Five kilometres! We have to run five kilometres? |
Ms Carrol | : | Yes, that's right. |
Jass | : | It's not very far, Debbie. |
Debbie | : | It is for me! I don't usually run at all. |
Joel | : | I've seen you run to catch a bus. |
Debbie | : | That's different. |
Ms Carrol | : | Well, as I say, this is a compulsory part of the Community Award scheme. You have to run five kilometres in under an hour. |
Joel | : | That's not running. That's jogging. |
Ms Carrol | : | So it'll be easy for you, Joel. But I suggest you all do some training. |
Debbie | : | It's easy for you but I hate sport. I've no idea what to do. |
Pete | : | Actually, Debbie, I'm not really into sport either. |
Pete | : | Running is too much work for me. |
Debbie | : | That makes two of us. I bet Jess and Joel are brilliant at it. |
Pete | : | Yeah. I know. Why don't we help each other? Let's train together. |
Debbie | : | Really? Well, OK, I suppose we have to train. |
Debbie | : | So, yes, let's do it together. |
Pete | : | Great. |
Debbie | : | When shall we start? |
Pete | : | Tomorrow? |
Debbie | : | Yeah. Come round to my place. |
Pete | : | OK. |
Debbie | : | Hi! Just a minute. |
Pete | : | OK. |
Debbie | : | Now what? |
Pete | : | We run. |
Debbie | : | OK. But not too fast, all right? |
Pete | : | We run very slowly |
Pete | : | What's the matter? |
Debbie | : | I've got this pain. Ugh! Let's walk for a bit. |
Pete | : | Yeah, all right. No one's watching us! |
Pete | : | We need to start running again in a bit. |
Pete | : | Same time tomorrow? |
Debbie | : | Do we have to? |
Pete | : | Well, it's best to do a bit each day, really. |
Debbie | : | Yeah, suppose so. See you tomorrow. |
Pete | : | See you. |
Pete | : | Now what? |
Debbie | : | My foot hurts. |
Debbie | : | You go on. |
Pete | : | No, it's all right. I'll wait for you. |
Debbie | : | No, you'll train much better on your own, Pete. |
Pete | : | But what about you? |
Debbie | : | I'll be fine. |
Debbie | : | I can look after myself. |
Pete | : | OK. |
Joel | : | Hi Pete. Are you ready for the run tomorrow? |
Pete | : | I've done some training. But I'm not sure about Debbie. |
Joel | : | She hates running, doesn't she? |
Pete | : | Five kilometres? I don't think she'll manage one. |
Jass | : | Let's all run together as a group. |
Debbie | : | But you and Joel are good runners. I'll just hold you up. |
Pete | : | Yeah, me too. We'll probably stop you getting your award. |
Joel | : | No you won't. It's more fun running together. Anyway, it's not a race. |
Ms Carrol | : | Well done, everyone! |
Jass | : | Good run, Debbie. |
Joel | : | You did really well. |
Debbie | : | Thanks. Yeah, I'm pleased. |
Pete | : | That was amazing. How did you do it? |
Debbie | : | I trained. |
Pete | : | But...? |
Debbie | : | Every day, just like you said. |
Debbie | : | I don't let people down, you know. |
Debbie | : | Come on, let's go and celebrate. Race you to the café! |
“To be continue”
Let’s Focus on this clip
'We run very slowly' very slowly in this sentence is an adverb. adverbs is a modifier. The other modifier is adjective. If we compare a sentence such as the machine of the car. The modifier is the accessories of the car. The function if to modify. let's take a look with this sentence
I RUN slowly (adverb)
I (subject: noun) run (predicate: verb)....NOUN AND VERB are the main part of speech if we compare to the car, it is the machine of the car while 'slowly' is the modifier or the accessories of the car. Let's see the pattern below
adjective modify noun =a slow run
adverb modify verb= run slowly
a dramatic increase (adj + noun)
increase dramatically (verb + adverbs)
a slow drop= sebuah penurunan yang lambat
dropped slowly menurun dengan lambat
Kata Keterangan dalam Bahasa Inggris (Adverb)
Di dalam bahasa inggris, untuk memberikan keterangan kepada kalimat, kita harus menggunakan Adverb. Penggunaan dari Adverb sendiri dibagi menjadi delapan jenis, berikut ini penjelasan dari macam-macam adverb-adverb beserta contoh adverb.
Macam-Macam Adverb (kata keterangan dalam bahasa inggris) Penjelasan dan Contohnya
1. Adverb of manner
Kata keterangan dalam bahasa inggris (Adverb) jenis ini digunakan untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang cara. Maksudnya adalah ketika kita hendak menyatakan proses terjadinya sesuatu atau bagaimana keadaan suatu hal, maka kita menggunakan adverb jenis ini. Dalam adverb of manner, kata “How” bisa digunakan sebagai pertanyaan atas jenis adverb ini. Pada jenis kalimat transitive, adverb of manner tidak digunakan ditengah kalimat sebagai contoh bila mengatakan “she drives the car carefully” tidak “she drives carefully the car”.
Berikut ini adalah contoh kalimat adverb of manner dan artinya.
Contoh Adverb of manner | Artinya |
Fast | Dengan cepat |
Beautifully | Dengan cantiknya |
Fluently | Dengan fasihnya |
Happily | Dengan gembira |
Hard | Dengan susah payah |
Contoh kalimat:
1. My car runs fast. (mobilku melaju dengan cepat)
2. His father speaks English fluently. (ayahnya berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan fasihnya)
3. My brother does his homework well. (saudara laki-lakiku mengerjakan PR nya dengan baik)
4. She celebrates her birthday happily. (dia merayakan hari ulang tahunnya dengan gembira)
2. Adverb of Place and Direction
Adverb jenis ini digunakan untuk menyatakan tempat dan arah suatu kejadian atau suatu benda. Dalam adverb of place and direcion, kata tanya yang dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan jawaban adalah “where”. Dibawah ini adalah contoh dari beberapa adverb of place and direction.
Contoh Adverb of place and direction | Artinya |
Here | Di sini |
There | Di sana |
Above | Di atas |
Below | Di bawah |
Somewhere | Di suatu tempat |
Contoh kalimat:
1. I put the lamp above the table. (saya meletakkan lampu diatas meja)
2. Here, we can feel a piece. (disini, kami bisa merasakan kedamaian)
3. They will go to Jakarta (Mereka akan pergi ke Jakarta besok)
4. Dinda was already there. (Dinda baru saja disana)
3. Adverb of time
Kata keterangan dalam bahasa inggris jenis ini digunakan untuk menyatakan waktu. Maksudnya adalah adverb of time digunakan oleh para penggunanya untuk menyatakan waktu dari suatu kejadian atau sebuah kegiatan (aksi). Dalam penggunaannya, kata Tanya “when” dapat digunakan untuk menerima pernyataan ini. Berikut ini beberapa contoh dari adverb of time.
Contoh Adverb of time | Artinya |
Already | Sudah |
Now | Sekarang |
Recently | Baru-baru ini |
Ago | Yang lalu |
Since | Sejak |
Contoh kalimat:
1. Harry is drinking a cup of coffee now. (Harry sedang minum secangkir kopi sekarang)
2. He has studied English since at Junior high school. (Dia sudah belajar Bahasa Inggris sejak SMP)
3. They always drink a glass of milk before going to school. (mereka selalu minum segelas susu sebelum pergi ke sekolah)
4. I have done this work for a week. (saya sudah mengerjakan pekerjaan ini selama satu minggu)
4. Adverb of Degree
Penggunaan dari Adverb of degree adalah menerangkan verb, adjective, atau adverb lain pada kalimat. Contoh adverb of degree berdasarkan posisi dan maknanya adalah sebagai berikut.
Fungsi dan posisi | Contoh adverb of degree |
Menerangkan verb: | |
Setelah verb Di antara aux verb dan verb utama Setelah verb utama | Completely Totally Strongly |
Menerangkan adjective: | |
Sebelum adj Sebelum dan sesudah adj Sesudah adj | Very So … that Enough |
Menerangkan adverb: | |
Sebelum adv Sebelum dan sesudah adv Sesudah | So Too … to Enough |
Contoh kata adverb of degree: very (sangat), enough (cukup), rather (agak), quite (agak), extremely (teramat ekstrem), completely (seluruhnya), hardly (hampir tidak), fairly (agak), nearly (hampir), dan pretty (cukup).
Contoh kalimat:
1. My father is very angry with him. (ayahku sangat marah dengan dia)
2. Our work has completely (pekerjaan kami sudah selesai seluruhnya)
3. Her personality is good enough. (kepribadiannya cukup baik)
5. Adverb of Frequency
Adalah adverb yang digunakan untuk menerangkan tingkat keseringan dalam melakukan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa. Adverb of frequency dibagi menjadi adverb of quantity dan adverb of number. Berikut adalah penjelasan keduanya:
Adverb of quantity | Artinya |
Always | Selalu |
Often | Sering |
Frequently | Seringkali |
Adverb of number | Artinya |
Once | Sekali |
Times | Beberapa kali |
Contoh kalimat:
1. He always smile to everyone. (dia selalu tersenyum terhadap semua orang)
2. Aldi frequently visit to his grandmother’s house. (Aldi seringkali berkunjung ke rumah neneknya)
3. Hanik has studied mathematics three times a day. (Hanik sudah belajar matematika tiap kali sehari)
4. Mutia has gone to Surabaya twice a week. (Mutia telah pergi ke Surabaya dua kali seminggu)
6. Adverb of Interrogative
Adverb ini adalah adverb yang digunakan sebagai pertanyaan. Contoh:
1. Interrogative adverbs of Time: how early, when, how soon, h Interrogative Adverb dibagi menjadi dua sifat, yang pertama adalah countable dan uncountable. Countable berarti benda-benda yang dapat dihitung. Sedangkan uncountable adalah kata-kata yang tidak bisa dihitung. Air adalah contoh dari “much” dan apel adalah contoh dari “many”.ow long, etc.
2. Interrogative adverbs of Place: where
3. Interrogative adverbs of number: how many, how much and how often
4. Interrogative adverbs of manner: how
5. Interrogative adverbs of degree: how far and how high
6. Interrogative adverbs of reason: why
7. Relative Adverb
Penggunaan kata keterangan dalam bahasa inggris ini adalah untuk menggabungkan antara main clause dengan adjective clause. Sebagai contoh adalah “Do you know the place where she is going?” Kata “where” digunakan sebagai penghubung untuk menerangkan tempat seorang perempuan akan pergi.
LINK for do the homework-1
LINK for do The QUIZ Ch-3