

Hasil penelusuran

Jumat, 17 Juli 2020



Pada kehidupan sehari-hari kita pasti pernah memiliki opini pada sesuatu yang kita lihat, dengar, maupun rasakan. Entah opini itu mendukung atau bertentangan satu dengan yang lainnya. Opini merupakan sebuah teks atau dialog yang mengandung pendapat tentang suatu hal, Biasanya opini satu sama lain itu berbeda atau bertentangan, tergantung pada sudut pandang mana kita memihak. Ketika kita memberikan atau mengekspresikan opini kita, penting sekali untuk memberikan alasannya untuk mendukung opini itu sendiri. Kata kerja yang biasanya digunakan dalam opini adalah agree (setuju), believe (percaya), reckon (memperhitungkan), doubt (meragukan), assume (berasumsi), don't agree (tidak setuju), think (rasa/pikir).

Asking Opinion  or Giving Opinion
  • In my opinion.....
  • I think.....
  • What I mean is.....
  • Personally I think.....
  • In my experience.....
  • According to me.....
  • I strongly believe that.....
  • As far as I am concerned.....
  • From my point of view.....
  • As I understand.....
  • As I see it.....
  • I reckon.....
  • I am compelled to say.....
  • By this I mean.....
  • To my mind.....
  • Would like to point out that.....
  • In my humble opinion.....
Agreeing with an Opinion
  • Of course.
  • This is absolutely right.
  • I agree with this opinion.
  • I couldn't agree more.
  • I agree with what you are saying.
  • I agree, I never thought of that.
  • Neither do I.
  • That's a good point.
  • I think so too.
Disagreeing with an opinion
  • I am sorry, I don't agree with you.
  • I am not sure I agree with you.
  • I don't agree with you.
  • I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
  • I do not believe that.
  • By this I mean.....
  • I disagree with you.
  • I think you are wrong.
  • That's not the same thing at all.
  • It is not justified to say so.
  • I am not convinced that.....
  • I can't say I agree with this, and here's why.....
Contoh bagaimana untuk setuju dan tidak setuju dalam sebuah opini
Children below 17
should be given right to drive a motorcycle
I agree with your opinion
I don't agree with you,
it is forbidden to let children under 17 to drive a motorcycle
Parents must giving smartphone to their children
I couldn't agree more with you.
I think it would be harmful to let children use smartphone. Because there are so much bad influence on the internet.
The novel version of Twilight is better than its film
Yes, I agree. The novel version had a many details of story hidden from the film.
That's not the same thing at all.
Instant noodle is good for your health.
I agree with what you are saying.
I am afraid that i have to disagree with you, because instant noodle have many chemical things inside it.
Smoking should be banned in public places.
I totally agree that smoking should be banned in public places.
I am sorry but I tend to disagree with you on this.

Meminta saran (asking for opinions)

Sebelum membentuk kalimat tanya, kamu perlu paham tentang frasa yang umum digunakan terlebih dahulu. Yaitu:

What do you think about…? (Bagaimana menurutmu tentang…?)

What do you suggest…? (Apa pendapatmu…?)

What is your opinion? (Apa pendapatmu?)

What is your point of view? (Apa pendapatmu?)

Have you got any thoughts on this? (Punya saran soal ini?)

Do you have any views on this? (Punya saran soal ini?)

Do you have any idea? (Ada saran?)

How about…? (Bagaimana kalau…?))

Memberi saran (giving opinions)

Terdapat tiga tingkatan dalam memberi saran. Mulai dari yang efeknya lemah hingga kuat. Berikut adalah jenisnya.


I am not sure, but… (Aku tidak yakin, tapi…)

I could be wrong, but… (Mungkin aku salah, tapi…)

I am no expert, but… (Bukan ahlinya, tapi…)

I tend to think that… (Aku merasa bahwa…)

I feel that… (Aku merasa bahwa…)

I suppose… (Aku rasa…)


I would like to point out that… (Aku ingin menekankan bahwa…)

In my opinion… (Saranku…)

I honestly think that… (Sejujurnya aku berpikir bahwa…)

I think… (Kupikir…)

The way I see it is that… (Caraku melihatnya yaitu…)


I strongly believe that… (Aku sungguh yakin bahwa…)

I really believe that… (Aku sungguh yakin bahwa…)

I am convinced that… (Aku yakin bahwa…)

I am certain that… (Aku yakin bahwa…)

From my point of view… (Menurut sudut pandangku…)

There is no doubt in mind that… (Sudah jelas bahwa…)

Menanggapi saran (responding to opinions)

Setelah bertanya dan mendapatkan saran, kamu pasti akan menanggapi saran temanmu kan? Misalnya seperti, “Oh, ya…,” atau “Benar juga…”. Nah, berikut ini adalah contohnya dalam bahasa Inggris.

I see. (Oh, ya.)

That is great. (Bagus.)

Good point. (Benar juga.)

I think so. (Kurasa juga begitu.)

You have a point there. (Kamu benar juga.)

I see what you mean. (Aku paham maksudmu.)

That is one way of looking at it. (Nah, itu dia.)

Saatnya conversation!

Pahami contoh percakapan berikut ya.

Anton : Hey, Bagas! Have you watched the Game of Thrones series? (Hei, Bagas! Sudahkah kamu nonton serial Game of Thrones?)

Bagas Of course I have! (Tentu saja sudah!)

Anton What is your point of view, then? (Kalau begitu, apa pendapatmu tentang itu?)

Bagas I honestly think that the actors have unbelievable acting skills. (Sejujurnya aku berpikir bahwa pemerannya memiliki kemampuan berakting yang sangat keren.)

Anton Good point. And what is your opinion about the plot? (Benar juga. Lalu apa pendapatmu soal jalan ceritanya?)

Bagas There is no doubt in mind that the plot is mind-blowing! By the way, how about we watch another Netflix series together? (Sudah jelas bahwa jalan ceritanya menakjubkan! Omong-omong, bagaimana kalau kita nonton serial Netflix lainnya?)

Anton I strongly believe that is a great idea. We can watch Stranger Things, perhaps? (Aku sungguh yakin itu ide yang bagus. Mungkin kita bisa nonton Stranger Things?)

Bagas That is great. Let’s go! (Bagus. ayo!)

Dari percakapan antara Anton dan Bagas, kelihatan banget ya kalau istilah asking and giving opinions serta responding to opinions sering digunakan. 

Erika: “Hi  Clara, what are you doing?”
Clara: “Hi Erika, I’m writing a poetry”
Erika: “Poetry? for the special one?”
Clara: “Absolutely, tomorrow is mothers’ day so I would like to give this poetry for my mommy”
Erika: “Mothers’ day? Oh my god! I forget about it”
Clara: “Calm down Erika, why don’t you write a poetry too?”
Erika: “No, I cant write a poetry “
Clara: “Do you know what is the thing that your mommy likes?”
Erika: “She likes flowers”
Clara: “How about buying a flower vase, I think your mommy likes it.
Erika: “That sounds good idea, but Clara would you mind to accompany me to find it out after class end?” Clara: “With my pleasure”
Erika: “Oh thank you so much  Clara”
Clara: “Don’t mention it Erika”

Contoh Percakapan 1
Kevin: “Hi Maya”
Maya: “Hi Kevin, what are you doing here?”
Kevin: “I want to buy manusia setengah salmon book”
Maya: “Whose the writer? “
Kevin: “His name’s Radityadika
Maya: “Oh I see, Actually I’ve read his another book the title is kambing jantan
Kevin: “ (Agreement) and Radityadika is my favorite writer, I have all of his books by the way what are you looking for here? ”
Maya: “I’m looking for negri lima menara novel, I’m pretty sure that you know that novel “
Kevin: “ Of course i know it, good choice Maya, and you should have it because (giving opinion) and very recommended for the student like us
Maya: “Yea my sisters says so, I cant wait to read that novel. By the way I have to take the novel now because I wont get home late, it’s nice to talk with you Kevin “
Kevin: “ Oh OK, it's nice to talk with you too”
Maya: “ See you later”
Kevin: “ See you”

Contoh Percakapan 2
Mr. Andy: What do you think of my new house?
Mr. Bryan: It is beautiful. I think. Oh you have many novels in your new house.
Mr. Andy: Yeah, some. I like Andrea Hirata’s novels.
Mr. Bryan: How do you feel about Andrea Hirata’s novels
Mr. Andy: I feel they are great novels.
Mr. Bryan: Yes, you are right. I think it is going to rain.
Mr. Andy: I don’t think so. Look outside at the sky! It’s so clear. No clouds there.
Mr. Bryan: But I watched the weather forecast yesterday. It said that today is going to rain. OK Mr. A see you.


Giving Advice and Expressing Warnings

  • Learners are able to understand the expressions of giving advice.
  • Learners are able to use expressions of giving advice.
  • Learners are able to understand the expressions of giving warnings.
  • Learners are able to use expressions of giving warnings.
Learn about it!
In this series, we are going to talk about how to give advise and warning to others. 

I hate gardening. I hope we don't have to do this every week.
Think of the Community Award. And it makes the garden look nice.
I suppose so.
I'm really hungry. Is it time for lunch yet?
"Is it time for lunch yet?" Honestly Joel, you're always eating.
So what?
So, you're overweight.
You must be joking! I am not overweight, am I?
No. Definitely not... Not yet, anyway!
“To be continue”

What did they do?
Who is disliked gardening?
Can you give advice to her? what will you say to her?

You might say
If were you, I would think for the community award scheme

You can use the following expression if you want to give advice to someone.

To make it clear read this dialogue below. 

That's not lunch. That's a snack.
For me, Joel, it's lunch.
Oh, I know, you're on one of those stupid diets.
Well, she must be crazy! She's not eating enough. And it's all salad.
No it isn't. I decide what I eat and how much, thank you. I don't need your advice. Anyway, look what you've got there. It's gross.
You don't need crisps and bread. And you certainly don't need chocolate biscuits.
Hey, come on, guys. We don't have to argue about this. I think the important thing about eating is...
I don't care what you think, Jess. I don't actually care what any of you think. I eat what I want to eat.
And that goes for me too.
Yes, it does. I eat healthily. You eat unhealthily. Let's leave it at that.
No way! First you say I'm overweight...
It was a joke, Joel.
Then you tell me I eat unhealthily. That's out of order, Debbie.
But when you say I'm on a stupid diet, that's OK - yes?
Oh, come on guys. Stop arguing you two. We've got a lot of work to do.
You must be joking. I'm not doing any work with Joel around. I'm going home.
Debbie! Now look what you've done.
What I've done! I'm telling you, that's the last time I work with Debbie.

What has happened to Joel and Debbie?

What were they arguing about?

If you are as Pete what is the suit advise for them?

Do we need to give a warning for Joel and Debbie when they were arguing each other?

What is the difference between the advise and warning?

For further information about that, you should read the others example and explanation about advise and warning.

Pay attention to the following dialogue.
This is a discussion about flood in a biology class between the students and the teacher.

Now, pay attention to the underlined sentences:
  • Make sure we dispose of the garbage in the proper places.
  • Do not throw your garbage in the wrong place.
Those two sentences were used by the teacher to warn the students not to do something. The sentences are called warningsA warning means giving information about something bad that may happen if someone does something.
The reason for giving warnings is the people who give warning wants the person become more careful. On the text, the teacher warns the students not to throw the garbage in the wrong place because the improper garbage disposal will cause flood.
The following are utterances generally used to give warning:
  • Be careful of ....
  • Don’t ....
  • Beware!
  • Beware of ....
  • Look out!
  • Watch out!
  • Watch out for ....
  • Make sure + subject + verb ....
Now pay attention to the underlined sentences. Those sentences were used by Wina to advise Tony that if Tony went through Diponegoro street, he would get trapped in the traffic jam due to the landslide happening in Diponegoro street. You can use the following expression if you want to give advice to someone.

Listen to the conversation one more time while looking at the script below.
Ari: Mom, I am going out for a bit.
Mom: Where are you going this early, son?
Ari: I need to visit Ani. Her house flooded when the river near burst last night.
Mom: Take my advice and tell her family to move to higher ground immediately, and they better not wait to gather belongings.
Ari: Okay, Mom. I’ll tell them.
Mom: And for you too, be careful. Take care when you drive!
Ari: Got it, thank you, Mom. I am off now.
What do you find from the dialogue?
Could you identify the expressions of suggesting and warnings?
In the dialog, Ari asked for permission to visit and help Ani, whose house got flooded out. His mom gave suggestion to Ani and family of what to do or how to react. Look at the bold italic clauses.
Take my advice and tell her family to move to higher ground immediately, and they better not wait to gather belongings.
Besides, his mom also warned Ari to be careful on his way. careful. Take care when you drive!
So, what is the suggestion? And how is it different from warnings?
Giving suggestion means you mention some ideas or possible action for other people to consider. Meanwhile, when you want the other people to understand that there could be possible danger or problem in what they are doing, you give then warnings.

Here you are provided some expressions to use when giving suggestion and warnings

Do you understand?
To ease your understanding, listen to the following conversation and identify the expressions used.
What suggestion did Ana give to Bobi?
Could you identify the expression?
In the dialog, Ana suggested doing the clean-up as soon as possible to avoid more damage by the floodwaters. Yeah, here is the expression of giving a suggestion that A exactly said:
I would strongly advise you to do it as soon as possible if you do not want the floodwaters to damage your home furniture more.
Listen to the dialog one more time, and check the expression:
Ana : How is your home condition after the flood?
Bobi : Since my home has been flooded severely, I need to do a major cleanup.
Ana : I would strongly advise you to do it as soon as possible if you do not want the floodwaters to damage your home furniture even more.
Bobi : Yeah, you are right. 

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Rabu, 15 Juli 2020



Berikut ini akan diterangkan perbedaan such ... that dan so ... that dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan dua contoh kalimat berikut ini:
That was such an amazing car that amazed everybody.
The car was so amazing that everybody felt stunned.
Dari dua kalimat di atas kita bisa tarik kesimpulan bahwa: such ... that dan so ... that digunakan untuk menyampaikan sebab akibat.

Bedanya hanya terletak pada penempatan Part of Speech. Setelah kata such diikuti noun phrase (kata benda), sedangkan setelah kata so diikuti adjective (kata sifat).

Jika dibuat rumus sederhana akan menjadi seperti di bawah ini:
Such + Noun Phrase + That
So + Adjective + That

Contoh kalimat menggunakan Such ... That:
He is such a good boy that we always miss him.
Ratna is such a smart girl that she always wins a competition.

Contoh kalimat menggunakan So ... That:
The rain was so heavy that I was afraid to go out.
The man was so scared that he worried to watch the movie.

Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini tetntang perbedaan Such ... that dan So ... that.


Also expresses a cause and effect.

such + (adjective) + NOUN + that


Cause: It was a great movie.
Effect: I watched it several times.
It's such a great movie that I've watched it several times.
(great-adjective, movie-noun)

Cause: She is a very charming woman.
Effect: Everybody stares at her.
She is such a charming woman that everybody stares at her.
(charming-adjective, woman-noun)


It expresses a cause and effect.

So + adjective/adverb + that
I was so sleepy that I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Subject Exercises:
So...That / Such...That Exercise
So vs Such vs Such A
So vs Such vs Such A 2

Similar Exercises:
As...As / Such...that
So...that /


Cause: It was too windy.
Effect: We couldn't go sailing.
It was so windy that we couldn't go sailing.
(windy- adjective)

Cause: My sister is very shy.
Effect: She hides behind my mother when there are strangers around.
My sister is so shy that she hides behind my mother when there are strangers around.
(shy- adjective)

Cause: The dress was wonderfully designed.
Effect: I couldn't take my eyes off it.
The dress was so wonderfully designed that I couldn't take my eyes off it.
(wonderfully- adverb)

Note: such a very charming... "very" is dropped.

So...that is used with quantifiers (many, much, few, little) even if there is a noun.

I have so many friends that I never get bored.
He has so much money that he can buy whatever he wants

Pola kalimat:

So + adj/adv + that

Contoh kalimat: She is so beautiful that many boys like her.

Such + noun + that

Contoh kalimat: It is such a nice car that many people buy it.

So + adj/adv

Contoh kalimat: This teddy bear is so cute.

berikut contoh dialog yang menggunakan so ... that, such ... that, dan so.

A: hey, B!

B: hey, A! what's up?

A: have you heard the news?

B: what news?

A: Our class mate, X, will represent our country to compete in International Chemistry Olympiad.

B: Are you serious? Wow, That's so cool!

A: He is such a smart student that he can be our country's representative. I heard that he has been being trained by excellent chemistry teachers from Jakarta.

B: No wonder, He is so busy that he always goes home early now.

A: Yeah, it's because his training starts right after school. By the way, let's congratulate him.

B: yes, i agree with you. let's go.

This, That, Those, These - Dialog

Anna: What’s this, Freddie?

Freddie: Oh it’s my new pencil case. You can open it if you want to look inside.

Anna: Oh okay, I will take a look. Hmmm I see something deep under that big eraser inside your case. But I couldn’t get it. What is that?

Freddie: Ah that one is my new sharpener. I know it’s quite tight that’s why it’s a bit hard to get it.

Anna: I see. Oh by the way, I forgot that Ms. Betty told us to bring these books and put them on her desks.

Freddie: Well let’s do it then! And how about those maps?

Anna: No maps, only books.

Freddie: Okay, sure!

Kumpulan soal dan pembahasan a, an, the 

Materi Demonstrative Pronoun That, These, Those 

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Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan berlatih contoh-contoh soal tentang operasi hitung bilangan bulat. Namun sebelum kita masuk pada contoh-contoh nya, saya akan memberikan sedikit ringkasan dari materi tentang operasi hitung bilangan bulat.

1. Operasi Hitung Bilangan Bulat

a. Penjumlahan
Menjumlahkan bilangan bulat dapat dilakukan menggunakan garis bilangan.
Misalkan kita ingin menghitung -4+5
Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut:

1. Gambarlah anak panah dari angka 0 sejauh 4 satuan kekiri sampai angka -4.

2. Gambarlah anak panah dari angka -4 sejauh 5 satuan kekanan.

3. Anak panah menunjukan angka 1. Jadi, -4+5=1

Pada bilangan bulat dikenal istilah invers suatu bilangan. Hasil penjumlahan suatu bilangan bulat dengan invers atau lawannya sama dengan nol.
a + (-a) = 0
-a  + a = 0

b. Pengurangan
Mengurangi a dengan b sama artinya dengan menambah a dengan lawan dari b.
a – b = a + (-b)

c. Perkalian dan pembagian
Hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam perkalian dan pembagian bilangan bulat adalah tanda hasil operasinya.
Misalkan a dan b adalah bilangan bulat positif maka akan berlaku sebagai berikut:
a x b = a x b
(-a) x b = -(a x b)
a x (-b) = -(a x b)
(-a) x (-b) = a x b
a : b = a : b
(-a) : b = -(a : b)
a : (-b) = -(a : b)
(-a) : -b = a : b

d. Operasi hitung campuran
Jika terdapat operasi hitung yang melibatkan penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, atau pembagian, gunakan aturan dan langkah-langkah berikut ini:
1. Kerjakan terlebih dahulu operasi bilangan yang terdapat dalam tanda kurung
2. Operasi perkalian dan pembagian dikerjakan terlebih dahulu, lalu kerjakan operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan
3. Operasi perkalian setara dengan operasi pembagian. Pengerjaannya dilakukan dari kiri. Operasi penjumlahan setara dengan operasi pengurangan. Pengerjaannya dilakukan dari kiri.

2. Sifat-Sifat Operasi Hitung Bilangan Bulat

Beberapa sifat operasi hitung bilangan bulat yaitu:
a. Komutatif, a+b=b+a
b. Asosiatif, (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
c. Memiliki unsur identitas penjumlahan yaitu 0
d. Memiliki unsur identitas perkalian yaitu 1
e. Bersifat tertutup

Hasil dari 24 – 30 : (-3) + 8 adalah….
24 – 30 : (-3) + 8
= 24 + 10 + 8
= 34 + 8
= 42

Siska mengikuti kompetesi matematika. Dalam kompetisi tersebut disediakan 100 soal. Jika jawaban benar, skor jawaban 4. Jika jawaban salah, skor jawaban -1. Jika tidak dijawab, skor jawaban 0. Jika Siska menjawab 80 soal dengan benar dan 3 soal terjawab salah, maka skor Siska adalah….
a. 323
b. 320
c. 317
d. 303
Dari 100 soal diperoleh 80 soal dijawab dengan benar, 3 soal dijawab salah sehingga soal yang tidak dijawab sebanyak 17 soal.
Skor Siska = (80 x 4) + (17 x 0) + (3 x (-1))
= 320 + 0 - 3
= 317

Hasil dari 12 x(15 + (-10)) : (-6 -14) adalah….
a. -15
b. -3
c. 3
d. 15
12 x (15 + (-10)) : (-6 - 14)
= 12 x 5 : (-20)
= 60 : (-20)
= -3

Suhu dalam  freezer  kulkas adalah -10C. Ketika terjadi pemadaman listrik, suhu udara dalam freezer mulai naik 3C setiap dua jam. Jika terjadi pemadaman listrik selama 6 jam, suhu udara di dalam freezer menjadi….
a. -2
b. -1
c. 1
d. 2
Suhu udara dalam freezer naik 3C setiap 2 jam. Oleh karena pemadaman listrik selama 6 jam maka suhu udara dalam freezer dihitung sebagai berikut.
Suhu = -10 + (6 : 2) x 3
= -10 + 3 x 3
= -10 + 9
= -1

Suhu sebongkah es batu adalah -6C. setelah 30 menit, suhu es batu tersebut naik menjadi 24C. Jika kenaikan suhu terjadi setiap 5 menit, maka kenaikan suhu per lima menit adalah….
a. -6C
B. -5C
C. 5C
D. 6C
Misalkan suhu per 5 menit = a
24 = -6 + (30 : 5 ) x a
24 = -6 + 6 x a
24 = -6 + 6a
6a = 30
a = 5C

Hasil dari -10 -48 : (-8) x 3 + 14 adalah….
a. -14
b. 2
c. 6
d. 22
-10 -48 : (-8) x 3 + 14
= -10 – 6 x 3 + 14
= 10 – 18 + 14
= -8 + 14
= 6

Nisa mengikuti kompetisi matematika. Dalam kompetisi itu disediakan 100 soal. Jika jawaban benar, skor jawaban  4. Jika jawaban salah, skor jawaban -1. Jika tidak dijawab, skor jawaban 0. Jika Nisa menjawab 60 soal dengan benar dan 3 soal terjawab salah, maka skor Nisa adalah….
a. 223
b. 220
c. 237
d. 203
Dari 100 soal diperoleh:
60 soal dijawab dengan benar
3 soal dijawab salah
Sehingga, soal yang tidak dijawab yaitu sebanyak 37 soal
Skor = (60 x 4) + (37 x 0) + (3 x (-1))
=240 + 0 -3
= 237

Hasil dari 21 x (-5 + 11) : (-9 -5) adalah….
a. 9
b. 6
c. -6
d. -9
21 x (-5 + 11) : (-9 -5)
= 21 x 6 : (-14)
= 126 : (-14)
= -9

Dalam kompetisi matematika, setiap jawaban benar diberi skor 4, salah diberiskor -2 dan tidak menjawab diberi skor  -1. Dari 60 soal, Deni menjawab  40 soal benar dan 12 salah. Nilai skor yang diperoleh Deni adalah….
a. 116
b. 126
c. 128
c. 136
Dari pertanyaan diperoleh:
Dark 60 soak 40 soal dijawab benar, 12 soal dijawab salah sehingga 8 soal tidak dijawab.
Skori Deni = (benar x 4) + ( salah x (-2) + (tidakdijawab x (-1))
= (40 x 4) + (12 x (-2)) + (8 x (-1))
= 160 + (-24) + (-8)
= 136 – 8
= 128

Jika n = (-16 + 232) : 18 x 2, nilai n adalah….
a. 6
b. 12
c. 18
d. 24
n = (-16 + 232) : 18 x 2
= 216 : 18 x 2
= 12 x 2
= 24

Bu Tuti mengeluarkan daging beku dari dalam kulkas. Suhu daging itu -3 C. Daging itu direndam dalam air hangat sehingga setiap 5 menit suhu daging naik 4 C. Suhu daging setelah 20 menit adalah….
a. 9C
B. 12C
C. 13C
D. 17C
Suhu = -3 + (20 : 5) x 4
= -3 + 4 x 4
= -3 + 16
= 13

Hasil dari 36 – (-20) x 5 + (-15) adalah….
a. -79
b. 79
c. 121
d. 265
36 – (-20) x 5 + (-15) = 36 – (-100) + (-15)
= 36 + 100 – 15
= 136 – 15
= 121

Hasil dari 24 – 6 x 2 + (45 : (-9)) adalah….
a. 31
b. 17
c. 7
d. 4
24 – 6 x  2 + (45 : (-9)) = 24 – 6 x 2 + ( -5)
= 24 – 12 – 5
= 12 – 5
= 7

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Semua organisme memiliki rentang hidup yang terbatas. Karena itu untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup, diperlukan generasi penerus. Proses biologis ketika organisme menghasilkan individu baru dari jenis mereka sendiri disebut dengan reproduksi. Tiap jenis organisme memiliki sistem reproduksi yang berbeda-beda. Di artikel kali ini, kita akan membahas struktur dan fungsi sistem reproduksi pada manusia.

Sistem reproduksi pada manusia termasuk ke dalam kategori reproduksi seksual. Artinya, reproduksi terjadi melalui proses bertemunya gamet jantan (sperma) dengan gamet betina (ovum) membentuk individu baru yang disebut dengan fertilisasi.

Hasil dari fertilisasi atau pembuahan adalah terbentuknya zigot. Zigot kemudian mengalami perkembangan embrio hingga dilahirkan menjadi anak. Sebagian mamalia, termasuk manusia, bereproduksi secara seksual. Laki-laki akan menghasilkan sperma, sementara perempuan akan menghasilkan ovum.

Sistem Reproduksi Pria


Gambar di atas menampilkan sistem reproduksi pada pria. Berikut adalah nama-nama serta fungsi dari tiap organ.

1. Penis berfungsi sebagai saluran kencing atau urine sekaligus tempat keluarnya sperma.

2. Skrotum berperan untuk menjaga suhu testis agar sesuai untuk memproduksi sperma. Pada skrotum terdapat dua buah testis.

3. Testis adalah alat kelamin bagian dalam. Fungsinya adalah untuk memproduksi sperma dan hormon testosteron.

4. Epididimis merupakan saluran yang keluar dari testis. Fungsinya adalah sebagai tempat penyimpanan sperma sementara.

5. Saluran uretra adalah saluran yang terdapat dalam penis dan merupakan akhir dari saluran reproduksi. Perannya adalah sebagai saluran keluarnya sperma dan urine.

6. Vesikula seminalis merupakan kelenjar yang menghasilkan zat yang berisi basa (alkali), fruktosa (gula monosakarida), hormon prostaglandin, dan protein pembekuan.

7. Kelenjar prostat terletak di bawah kandung kemih. Fungsinya adalah menghasilkan cairan yang bersifat asam.

8. Kelenjar Cowper menghasilkan lendir dan cairan bersifat basa. Fungsinya adalah untuk melindungi sperma dengan cara menetralkan urine yang memiliki pH asam yang tersisa dalam uretra. Cairan tersebut juga melapisi uretra untuk mengurangi kerusakan pada sperma selama ejakulasi. Struktur dari sperma yang dihasilkan oleh laki-laki dapat dilihat pada gambar di bawah ini.


Sistem Reproduksi Wanita


Gambar di atas menampilkan sistem reproduksi pada wanita secara sederhana. Berikut adalah nama-nama organ beserta fungsinya.

1. Vagina adalah saluran yang menghubungkan lingkungan luar dengan rahim sekaligus tempat mengalirnya darah menstruasi dan saluran keluarnya bayi.

2. Servis merupakan struktur rahim bagian bawah yang menyempit dan membuka ke arah vagina.

3. Saluran telur atau tuba fallopi atau oviduk terdapat sepasang di tiap tubuh perempuan, yaitu di kanan dan kiri. Oviduk memanjang ke arah samping dari uterus. Fungsinya adalah membawa sel telur dari infundibulum ke rahim. Pada saluran inilah terjadi fertilisasi atau pembuahan.

4. Indung telur merupakan tempat kumpulan sel yang disebut folikel. Di dalam folikel, sel telur atau ovum dikembangkan. Folikel juga menghasilkan hormon perempuan, yaitu estrogen dan progesteron.

5. Rahim berfungsi sebagai tempat berkembangnya janin setelah sel telur dibuahi oleh sel sperma. Dinding rahim (endometrium) berperan dalam pembentukan plasenta.

Sel telur yang dihasilkan di indung telur disebut juga sebagai ovum. Ovum termasuk ke dalam alecithal (tanpa kuning telur) dan mengandung butiran kortikal dan trombosit kuning. Struktur ovum terdiri dari membran vitelin, zona pelusida, dan korona radiata.

Membran vitelin adalah selaput tipis transparan yang membungkus sel telur. Sementara itu, zona pelusida adalah membran transparan tebal yang terletak di atas membran vitelin. Korona radiata adalah membran tebal terluar yang dibentuk oleh sel-sel folikel. Kista berisi cairan tempat ovum berkembang dikenal sebagai folikel Graffian.

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MAPEL KIMIA BAB 11 Sistem Koloid

  Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan belajar tentang materi koloid, mulai pengertian, jenis-jenis, cara pembuatan, sampai manfaat koloid dalam...