

Hasil penelusuran

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2020





Expressing and responding correlative conjunction expression such as either, neither, not only, but also to as well as acceptable daily conversations that use simple structures in various aspects in daily life. The objective of the lesson is: students are able to express and respond to the expression of a correlative conjunction.


A conjunction is a word that grammatically connects two words, phrases, or clauses together. The most common examples are words like “and” and “but.”

For example, “I took the subway, and got off at 96th Street.” Or, “I took the subway, but there was a delay.” However, conjunctions can come in many forms with many different functions.
They’re a part of speech that can be broken down into several categories, and we’ll explore each one in-depth with examples.
Conjunctions can primarily be broken down into three categories:
·         Coordinating conjunctions
·         Correlative conjunctions
·         Subordinating conjunctions
Another category of conjunctions is correlative conjunctions and we’ve actually seen a few already, like “either…or” and “neither…nor.” These conjunctions come in pairs and join equal items together.
Correlative conjunctions list:
·         Either…or
·         Whether…or
·         Neither…nor
·         Both…and
·         As…as
·         Not only…but also
·         No sooner…than
·         Hardly…when


The correlative conjunction “either…or” is used to join two positive options. For example:
·         We can either go to the movies or stay inside and watch Netflix.
·         The sound was either a firework or a gunshot.
·         Either you stay or I leave.

An a common grammatical mistake that occurs when using the correlative conjunction “neither…or” is subject-verb agreement. When two (or more) items are joined by the word conjunction and serve as the subject of the sentence, the number of the verb (i.e. singular or plural) always follows the last of the options. Multiple singular options do not create a plural noun. For example:
·         Either Crystal or Julia wants to come with us to the festival. (The verb should be “wants,” not “want”)
·         Either Courtney or her friends are coming to pick me up. (The verb “are” follows the second item in the pair of subjects.)

The word “either” can be used by itself, but as a pronoun, not a conjunction. For example:

·         You can ask either of us if you need any help.
·         “Should I get this shirt in blue or white?” “Either looks good on you.”


The conjunction “whether…or” also pairs up two options, but they must be clauses. It’s similar to the subordinating conjunction “if” in that it brings up hypothetical conditions, but in pairs.

·         Whether I drink a lot or a little, my face still gets red.
·         Whether it’s sunny out or raining, we’re still going to see the concert.
A common usage of this correlative conjunction is in the form “whether…or not” or simply “whether or not.” For example:
·         Whether the earrings are cheap or not, I’m still going to buy them.
·         You have to take this class, whether or not you want to.

It’s also acceptable to simply use the word “whether,” which implies the phrase “or not,” by itself. In this case, it becomes a subordinating conjunction instead of a correlative one, which we’ll discuss later on.
·         I don’t care whether a man is rich if I want to date him.


While “either…or” pairs up two positive options, “neither…nor” pairs up two negative options.
·         The view at the top of the mountain was neither spectacular nor very visible.
·         When it comes to movies, I like neither comedies nor romances.
·         Neither will the workers go off the strike, nor negotiate until they receive higher pay.

Just as “either” can stand by itself as a pronoun, so can “neither.”
·         Neither of the desserts seemed very appealing.
·         Neither of us are working on Thanksgiving.
The word “neither” can also be used as an adverb to indicate that something also does not apply in another case. For example:
·         “I didn’t do very well on the last exam. Me neither.”
·         I never thought that Trump would actually win the election, and neither did my friends.


This correlative conjunction is used to join two equal items together.

·         The hurricane was devastating both emotionally and economically.
·         We went to both the service and the reception afterward.
·         I don’t know why, but both Jane and Colin have stopped talking to me.


If you want to compare two things and say that one contains a certain quality to the same extent as the other, you can use the correlative conjunction “as…as.”
·         Anything I put in the refrigerator becomes as cold as ice.
·         Jeremy’s probably as tall as any professional basketball player.
·         Run as far as you can, but don’t feel pressured to keep going.


This correlative conjunction is similar to “both…and” and emphasizes that two items belong in a pair.
·         Not only did we get lost, but we also ran out of gas with no gas station in sight.
·         Not only is he smart, but he’s also talented.
·         The TV show has not only good actors but also an incredibly written script.


The the phrase “no sooner…than” is used to indicate that two events happened simultaneously or in quick succession. For example:
·         No sooner had I left the house than it started to thunder.
·         No sooner had the pastor began to speak than a baby started crying in the back.


This phrase is another alternative to “no sooner…than.”
·         Hardly had I stepped out of the kitchen when I started to smell something burning.
·         Hardly had the party started when drinks started spilling on the floor.

 Do You Understand?


Essay : Pengertian, Bagian, Dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Essay : Pengertian, Bagian, Dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Essay : Pengertian, Bagian, Dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Daftar Isi Artikel Ini :

Sebuah pendapat dapat kita tuangkan dalam bentuk lisam maupiun tulisan. Dalam bentuk lisan biasnya kita dapat langsung mengutarakannya hal ini  dapat kita lakukan dalam forum seperti diskusi maupun acara bercakap ria. Sedangkan dalam bentuk tulisan kita dapat menuangkan pendapat kita menggunakan media tulis biasa maupun virtual (media sosia).

Namun ada sebuah wadah penampung pendapat dalam sebuah tulisan yang masih sering dibuata ataupun di cari oleh orang, yaitu essay. Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai Essay, bagaimana penjelasannya mari kita simak bersama.

Essay: Pengertian, Bagian, dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Essay: Pengertian, Bagian, dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  1. Pengertian Essay (esai)

Apa yang dimaksud dengan essay? yang dimaksud dengan Esssay adalah ekspresi dari opini seseorang terhadap sebuah hal. Jadi essay sesungguhnya sangat berbeda dengan artikel ilmiah atau sekadar opini eksposure (laporan faktual). Perpaduan antara fakta dengan imajinasi, antara pengetahuan dengan perasaan membuat essay berbeda dibanding jenis tulisan lainnya.

Sebuah essay selayaknya dapat menghantarkan pembacanya untuk memahami persoalan dengan cara yang tidak njelimet dan (kadang) bernuansa santai, tetapi tetap sarat makna. Secara singkat dapat diartikan sebagai suatu tulisan yang menggambarkan opini penulis tentang subyek tertentu yang coba di nilainya.

2. Bagian-Bagian  Essay

a) Pengantar/Pengenalan (5% dari total essay).

Biasanya 1 – 2 paragraf yang berisikan satu atau lebih hal-hal berikut ini: definisi masalah, pembatasan asumsi, istilah-istilah teknis yang digunakan dan tujuan penulisan, yang bisa menjelaskan secara seksama sebuah dalil yang kita ungkapkan.

b) Pembahasan/Argumentasi (85%-90% dari total esay).

Bagian utama dari sebuah esay yang ditujukan untuk mengungkapkan bukti-bukti dalam bentuk: (a) logika penalaran pribadi, (b) teori-teori yang ada, atau (c) secara empiris melalui penelitian, yang relevan dengan masalah yang kita bahas.

c) Penuntup/Kesimpulan (5%-10% dari total esay).

Panjangnya penutup atau kesimpulan tergantung dari bagaimana kita menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang kita ungkapan dalam bagian definisi masalah pada bagian pembukaan.

3. Contoh Essay dalam bahasa Inggris

High School and College

High school students are usually eager to graduate and continue their study in college. However, most of the time college students dream of being a high school student back again. “If I could just go back to high school again” is a common expression heard especially in the first semesters of college. What makes both high school students and college students think. What are the differences between learning in high school and learning in college? Some of the many aspects of differences in learning in high school and learning in college are: the responsibility, the teachers, and the tests.

The first different aspect in high school and college is the responsibility. In high school, your time is structured by the school. We  just need to proceed from one class to another of hours of learning in classes, and the classes are arranged for you. We will be guided and reminded of our responsibilities in learning – taking the tests, doing homework and tasks, etc. There is not much we need to worry besides getting good scores. Meanwhile, in college, we manage your own time. We often have time between classes; class times vary throughout the day and evening. We arrange your own schedule in consultation with your adviser. We are expected to take responsibility for what we do and don’t do, as well as for the consequences of your decisions. In short words, there is no one taking care of your responsibilities except yourself.

The second different aspect in high school and college is the teachers. Teachers in high school will usually take care of us, remind we of our tasks and homework, provide you with information and learning material, and are often available for conversation before, during, or after the class. Meanwhile, lecturers or professors in college are different. They don’t remind you of our tasks and homework, because it is our responsibility to do so. They will reference the learning material, but it is not their responsibility to provide us with information, instead, we are the one who need to collect information we need. Lecturers in college are usually hardly available for conversations out of class except you make an appointment with them beforehand.

The third different aspect in high school and college is the tests. In high school, tests are frequent and cover small amount of material. Make up tests are available, and if you get low score at a test, we can have a remedial test. Meanwhile in college, tests are infrequent and they cover big amount of material. There will only be two to three tests for one subject in one semester, and our scores matter a lot. There will not be any make up tests unless we need to request one. Furthermore, there will not be a remedial test if we get low score. Instead, you will need to fight for the upcoming test or exam to better the score.

Provided by the differences in learning in high school and learning in college, it can be concluded that learning in college requires more attention and responsibility of the student. Not that learning in high school does not require them, it does, but in a more flexible way. Both high school students and college students need to focus on their study and follow the way of the institution they are in, in order to succeed in their study.

Itulah tadi penjelasan mengenai essay meliputi pengertian, bagian dan contohnya dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga materi tentang essay yang disampaikan pada kesempatan kali ini dapat bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan referensi belajar bahasa Inggris bagi sobat sekalian.

“kegagalan bukanlah ujung dari segalanya, bangkit dan teruslah mencoba”

MAPEL KIMIA BAB 11 Sistem Koloid

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