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Rabu, 24 Februari 2021

MAPEL KIMIA Hidrolisis Garam


Hidrolisis – Kimia Kelas 11 – Teori, Jenis Reaksi, dan Contoh Soal

Dalam artikel ini akan dibahas secara detail tentang teori dan reaksi hidrolisis, jenis-jenis reaksi hidrolisis, contoh soal dan pembahasan reaksi hidrolisis, dan aplikasi reaksi hidrolisis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Yuk, simak!

Pengertian Garam

Garam merupakan senyawa yang dihasilkan dari reaksi netralisasi antara larutan asam dan larutan basa. Secara umum reaksi netralisasi adalah sebagai berikut: 

Contoh dari reaksi netralisasi/reaksi pembentukan garam: 

Garam dapat terbentuk dari 4 reaksi kimia. Reaksi kimia adalah sebagai berikut: 

  1. Garam dari asam kuat dan basa kuat, garam ini bersifat netral (pH = 7). Contohnya adalah NaCl, KCl, K2SO4, Ca(NO3)2.
  2. Garam dari asam kuat dan basa lemah, garam ini bersifat asam (pH <7). Contohnya adalah Zn(ClO4)2, NH4Cl, AlCl3, Fe(NO3)2.
  3. Garam dari basa kuat dan asam lemah, garam ini bersifat basa (pH >7). Contohnya adalah Na2SO3, KCN, Na2CO3, (CH3COO)2Ca.
  4. Garam dari asam lemah dan basa lemah, sifat asam/basa bergantung pada nilai Ka dan Kb dari senyawa tersebut. Contoh Zn(NO2)2, CH3COONH4, Fe3(PO4)2

Pengertian Hidrolisis

Hidrolisis berasal dari kata hydro yang berarti air dan lysis yang berarti peruraian. Sehingga definisi hidrolisis garam adalah reaksi peruraian yang terjadi antara kation dan anion garam dengan air dalam suatu larutan. Beberapa sifat dan karakteristik dari hidrolisis garam adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Menghasilkan asam dan basa pembentuk garam.
  2. Kation dan anion dari asam-basa kuat tidak dapat terhidrolisis karena terionisasi sempurna.
  3. Garam tidak terhidrolisis jika tidak ada kation maupun anion yang bereaksi.
  4. Garam terhidrolisis sebagian jika salah satu kation atau anion bereaksi.
  5. Garam terhidrolis sempurna jika kation dan anion bereaksi. 

Reaksi pada Hidrolisis Garam

Ada 3 reaksi yang terjadi pada Hidrolisis Garam yaitu Hidrolisis sempurnaHidrolisis sebagian, dan tidak terhidrolisisHidrolisis sempurna terjadi dari senyawa asam lemah dan basa lemahHidrolisis sebagian terjadi dari senyawa basa kuat dan asam lemah, reaksi yang tidak terhidrolisis terjadi dari asam kuat dan basa kuat. Contoh dari reaksi hidrolisis garam tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: 

  • Reaksi hidrolisis garam sebagian 

  • Reaksi hidrolisis garam sempurna

Sifat garam pada Hidrolisis sempurna memiliki bergantung pada nilai Ka dan Kb. Apabila 

  • Jika Ka = Kb, maka garam tersebut bersifat netral.
  • Jika Ka > Kb, maka garam tersebut bersifat asam.
  • Jika Kb > Ka, maka garam tersebut bersifat basa. 

Pada reaksi hidrolisis, jumlah garam yang mengalami hidrolisis hanya sedikit, tetapi tetap menyebabkan perubahan nilai pH larutan. Karena itu reaksi hidrolisis juga disebut reaksi kesetimbangan. Tetapan keseteimbangan reaksi hidrolisis disebut tetapan hidrolisis (Kw). 

pH larutan garam dari asam kuat dan basa kuat yang tepat habis bereaksi adalah pH = 7 (netral). Nilai suatu pH larutan garam dari asam dan basa bukan kuat dihitung berdasarkan nilai tetapan hidrolisis (Kh), dan tetapan ionisasi asam dan basa (Ka dan Kb). Nilai garam dari asam kuat dan basa lemah pH < 7. Garam ini bersifat asam. 

Cara Menghitung Nilai pH

Cara menghitung nilai pH dari garam-garam tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: 

Jika garamnya berasal dari kation atau anion yang salah satunya bervalensi dua, maka: 

Nilai Garam dari basa kuat dan asam lemah adalah pH > 7. Garam ini bersifat basa.

Nilai Konsentrasi [OH] adalah: 

Sedangkan garam yang terbentuk dari asam lemah dan basa lemah, sifat garamnya bergantung pada nilai ketetapannya masing-masing yaitu: 

Jika Ka = Kb

Maka garam tersebut bersifat netral atau pH = 7.

Sedangkan Jika Ka  > Kb

Maka garam tersebut bersifat asam atau pH < 7.

Maka nilai H+ 

Jika nilai Kb > Ka

Maka nilai garam tersebut adalah pH > 7 dan sifat garamnya bersifat basa. 

Nilai [OH] = 

Contoh Soal 1

Garam CH3COONa (Mr = 82) sebanyak 410 mg dilarutkan dalam air hingga volume 500 mL. Jika diketahui tetapan hidrolisis (Kb = 10-2), tentukan pH larutan garam tersebut. 


Diketahui, berdasarkan senyawa yang bergabung adalah basa kuat dan asam lemah, sehingga garam yang dihasilkan bersifat basa. Maka proses perhitungannya adalah sebagai berikut: 

Jadi, berdasarkan perhitungan nilai pH nya adalah 8,5 dan larutan garam tersebut bersifat basa. 

Contoh Soal 2

Jika 100 mL NH4OH 0,4 M direaksikan dengan 100 mL larutan HCl 0,4 M Kb NH4OH = 2 x 10-6. Tentukan pH campuran setelah bereaksi!


Diketahui larutan garam yang dihasilkan merupakan campuran dari senyawa asam kuat dan basa lemah. Sehingga garam yang dihasilkan bersifat asam. Proses perhitungannya adalah sebagai berikut: 

Manfaat Hidrolisis Garam dalam Kehidupan

Proses hidrolisis garam memiliki banyak manfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Contohnya adalah: 

  • Garam amonium nitral (NH4NO3) yang merupakan campuran dari basa lemah dan asam kuat. Sehingga garam ini bersifat asam. Amonium nitrat biasanya digunakan untuk alat kompres dingin. 
  • Monosadium Glutamat atau MSG (C5H8NO4Na) merupakan garam yang bersifat basa. MSG merupakan campuran dari asam lemah dan basa kuat. Garam ini biasa digunakan sebagai penyedap rasa pada makanan. 
  • Cangkang mollusca seperti cypraecassis rupa tersusun oleh kalsium karbonat (CaCO3). Garam ini bersifat basa.
  • Kalium nitrat adalah garam yang bersifat netral. Garam ini terbentuk dari senyawa asam lemah dan basa lemah. Kalium nitrat biasa digunakan sebagai bahan pengawet dalam sosis (KNO3).  

Senin, 22 Februari 2021

MAPEL ENGLISH LM BAB 9 Proverb and riddle





Students are expected able to know, understand, and use proverbs in their spoken and written communication.


Dr. Bougher knows a lot about the forest. In the clip, he spent a lot of time describing where things are.

On our left here, we have a very good example of the jarrah forest, the famous jarrah forest of Western Australia.

And on our right here, we have the contrast, which is the mined area, and on this area we can see that rehabilitation has occurred about three years ago.  This is world’s best practice.

Our jarrah forest is our reference point, it’s our library of information, this is our baseline, this is what we had before we mined.  I think some of the outward signs are showing us that it’s quite healthy.

The proof in the pudding is not you and I sitting here today, but the proof of the pudding might be in ten year’s time, twenty year’s time – whether this forest is flourishing for our children and grandchildren.

So far so good.

The speaker said “The proof in the pudding” it is a proverb. Proverbs usually use in informal language. Its are not obvious meaning, we can understand by memorizing them.

The proof in the pudding. Pudding is kind of food, we know its delicious or not by tasted them.  So “The proof in the pudding” It’s means that you can only judge the quality of something after it has been tested or
experienced over time.

What are proverbs?
Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your life. In line with this definition, according to www., proverbs are a verse or collection of words having a fixed arrangement containing certain definitions and gives positive suggestions. 

How can you use proverbs to learn English?
It's good to know the really common English proverbs because you hear them come up in conversation all the time. Sometimes people say the entire proverb to give advice to a friend. More often, someone will say just part of a proverb like this:
You know what they say: when the going gets tough...


  • Proverb have a function to teaching, enlightening, and persuading people. Proverbs play many roles in society. The most common role is to educate on what might happen if they do something. A proverb contains wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional views.
  • Proverb has been and remains a most powerful and effective instrument for the transmission of culture, social morality, manner, and ideas of a people from one generation to another. The proverbs deal with knowledge, experience, hard work, and human relations.
  • Proverb and proverbial sayings have for centuries been equally popular with all nations, despite their regional diversities, and clearly, for the impact the have made.
  • Proverb can be used to tech people, give them some advice, help in difficult situations, show people what the most important thins in life, and show the proper way in life.
  • Proverbs are very often used in personal interaction.
  • Proverb can also be used mock someone or criticize.


Proverbs often from clusters that share a common structure.
– Opposite parallel
– Similiar parallel
– Single statement
– Statement with an explanation
– Comparison
– Descriptive list
– Use of clause or instruction


Proverbs use figurative language, we have analyzed what is the literal meaning in it.


The most important English Proverbs
This is a list of some of the most important and well-known English proverbs. Below each one, there's a simple explanation.
The meanings of some of these phrases have shifted over the years so a proverb might have originally had a different meaning than the one I explain.
a different meaning than the one I explain.


2.         "The pen is mightier than the sword." Trying to convince people with ideas and words is more effective than trying to force people to do what you want.

3.         "When in Rome, do as the Romans." Act the way that the people around you are acting. This phrase might come in handy when you're traveling abroad notice that people do things differently than you're used to.

4.         "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." You can get better service if you complain about something. If you wait patiently, no one's going to help you.

5.         "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Strong people don't give up when they come across challenges. They just work harder.

6.         "No man is an island." You can't live completely independently. Everyone needs help from other people.

7.         "Fortune favors the bold." People who bravely go after what they want are more successful than people who try to live safely.

8.         "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones." Don't criticize other people if you're not perfect yourself.

9.         "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst." Bad things might happen, so be prepared.

10.      "Better late than never." It's best to do something on time. But if you can't do it on time, do it late.

11.      "Birds of a feather flock together." People like to spend time with others who are similar to them.

12.      "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." If you have an enemy, pretend to be friends with them instead of openly fighting with them. That way you can watch them carefully and figure out what they're planning.

13.      "A picture is worth a thousand words." Pictures convey emotions and messages better than written or spoken explanations. That's why Phrase-Mix has illustrations :)

14.      "There's no such thing as a free lunch." Things that are offered for free always have a hidden cost.

15.      "There's no place like home." Your own home is the most comfortable place to be.

16.      "Discretion is the greater part of valor." Sometimes it's important to know when to give up and run away, instead of always acting brave and maybe getting hurt.

17.      "The early bird catches the worm." You should wake up and start work early if you want to succeed.

18.      "Never look a gift horse in the mouth." If someone offers you a gift, don't question it.

19.      "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs." When you try to do something great, you'll probably make a few people annoyed or angry. Don't worry about those people; just focus on the good results.

20.      "God helps those who help themselves." Don't just wait for good things to happen to you. Work hard to achieve your goals.

21.      "You can't always get what you want." Don't whine and complain if you don't get what you wanted.

22.      "Cleanliness is next to godliness." Be clean. God likes that.

23.      "A watched pot never boils." If something takes time to finish, don't watch it too closely because it will seem like it's taking forever.

24.      "Beggars can't be choosers." If you're asking for a favor from someone else, you have to take whatever they give you.


A riddle is a type of poetry that describes something without actually naming what it is, leaving the reader to guess. It is a light hearted type of poetry which involves the reader. Riddles can be about anything, from riddles about animals to riddle about objects. There are no rules on how to structure a riddle poem, a riddle can be funny or it can rhyme, it depends on the person writing the riddle.


1. It’s an animal. It’s an orange black. It has stripes. It has four paws. It lives in the jungle. What is it? It is a tiger.
2. I have three eyes, all in a row. When the red one opens, all freeze. I am traffic light.
3. Example of Rhyming Riddle
I come in different style.
I can help you walk for miles.
Come in pair
I’m something what you wear
With heels I’m glam
Can you guest what I am?
I am a shoes.


A riddle is a statement, question, or phrase that has a double meaning. It is an amusing game for children and adults. Today riddle aren’t used as much as they were in ancient times, but they remain a definite way to get your mind working.
  • When someone uses a riddle, it can be a thought provoking challenge to figure it out on your own, or it can be a funny comment that makes you laugh. Riddles can be great brain busters or conversation starters to get you think. Riddle games have been played since times, and are still being played today.
  • Riddles have significant roles. They include roles that may be described as cultural, educative, intellectual, ideological, cosmological, and political. Riddles teach logic about the social and cultural environment, social norms, history, biology, and much more.
  • Riddles can help in memory training for children as they are expected and encourage to remember the correct answers to the riddles. Riddles also can help to introduce a variety of vocabulary. They also provide opportunities to play phonetic, morphological, grammatical, and semantic games as they exhibit a variety of linguistic expressions and structures.
In conclusion, riddles have a role in the education of communities and in the development of analytical thinking lies the fact that the answer to the riddle is already known to the audience.


Riddle have no form set. Riddles can be a question with a quick witty answer. They can be just a sentence that makes you have a sudden realization. We can also create riddles from words that rhythm with a word in a riddle’s answer, other word and phrases that use the funny part of an answer.


A riddle is a verbal puzzle, an enigmatic statement, description, or question posed by one person to another, or to a group, who have to guess the answer. We use the term loosely for more than one kind of puzzle. However, the riddle proper relies on imagery for its effects; often quite poetic imagery. Some riddles use pronoun “i” even though the word that should be guessed is a thing. For example : “If you have me, you won’t to share me. If you share me, you haven’t got me. What am i?” The answer is “a secret”.


Learning proverbs can also help you to understand the way that people in English-speaking cultures think about the world.
Proverbs can also give you good example sentences that you can memorize and use as models for building your own sentences.
Proverbs usually use in informal language. Its are not obvious meaning, we can understand by memorizing them.
A riddle is a type of poetry that describes something which needs to be guessed by other people. It can be anything that involves readers. Riddle does not have a specific structure. It can be in the form of statements, questions, or phrases, and it can rhyme. A riddle can be funny and challenging.

MAPEL KIMIA BAB 11 Sistem Koloid

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